Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Money: A Source of Economy

          What comes to your mind when you heard the word economics? That is the first question that your Economics teacher would ask you, and only one thing for sure the students will answer, no other than MONEY! Why is that money is always connected with economy? Obviously, how will the economy grows without money? And I think that is the reason why money and economy cannot be separated with each other.

            How money can be a source of economy of a person? Economy is the wealth and resources of one person. Once the person get a regular job, the salary he will receive every month will be his source of economy that can help him to meet his basic needs and wants. Economy can be also the wealth and resources of a country. If there are many people who are working and paying their taxes on the government, it is very possible that economy of the country will also increase.

            Did you notice that most of the people always said that our country is very poor? Do you think that is the reason why there are so many people wants to work abroad? I guess yes, that is the reason why they chose to work abroad, for them to meet and provide their basic needs in their daily lives. But I think it is also the people, the irresponsible people is the reason why did our country is not progressing today. It is because of those people who are not paying their obligations such as taxes in the government, and it affects a lot in the economy of our country because where will the government get the resources they need to provide the needs of its people? of course it also comes from us, those people who are gaining benefits from the government that help us to meet our needs and wants.

            But do you think our country is poor? I guess not, why? As a student, my parents have the capability to let me into college and we all know that before you can get to college you need to prepare thousands of money. And today, there are so many college students in our country and even students who are taking masteral degree. And do you think that the government will implement the K+12 policy if they don't have the resources to handle it? So what do other people used as their basis to make their conclusion that our country is poor? Is it because their needs and wants are not given by the government? I am not saying that before you can conclude that you belong to higher class you should first to get an educational attainment in college, I am just saying that before you can get what you want, you need to work for it. Do you think that it is easy for those people who have the capacity to step into college? No! They work hard for it, they sacrifice for it before they reach the top.

            Yes money is the source of economy but it is not enough. You need to work hard, you need to do something before you can gain cash. Money does not have its own two feet that can controls everything, it needs a person, a smart person that knows how to use money in a proper way for it to have a better result in the end.

~ paodiaz

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